What is Docker Captain

Docker Captain

A Docker Captain is a role that Docker awards to individuals who are experts in Docker and who are passionate about sharing their knowledge with the community. Docker Captains are selected based on their experience, expertise, and commitment to the Docker community.

The Docker Captain program is a community-driven initiative to recognize and support individuals who are passionate about Docker and containerization. Docker Captains are not Docker employees; instead, they are community members who have demonstrated their expertise and dedication to promoting Docker’s technologies and best practices.

Key roles and responsibilities

Key roles and responsibilities of Docker Captains include:

Promoting Docker: Docker Captains are responsible for promoting Docker to the community. This includes writing blog posts, giving presentations, and participating in online forums.

Inspiring the community: Docker Captains are responsible for inspiring the community to use Docker. This includes sharing their own experiences, providing encouragement, and helping others to get started with Docker.

Educating the community: Docker Captains are responsible for educating the community about Docker. This includes answering questions, providing tutorials, and writing documentation.

Community Advocacy: Docker Captains actively participate in community forums, social media, and events to advocate for Docker and containerization.

Education and Training: They create and share educational content, tutorials, and workshops to help others learn about Docker and related technologies.

Mentorship: Docker Captains mentor and support individuals or teams seeking guidance in adopting Docker in their projects or organizations.

Feedback and Collaboration: They provide feedback to Docker on product features, improvements, and issues, helping to shape the future direction of Docker’s products.

Public Speaking: Docker Captains often speak at conferences, meetups, and webinars to share their knowledge and experiences with Docker.

Collaboration with Docker: They collaborate with Docker and its teams, contributing insights from the community and helping to bridge the gap between users and the Docker company.

Being recognized as a Docker Captain is a prestigious achievement in the Docker community. Docker Captains receive various benefits, including access to early product information, invitations to Docker events, and opportunities to network with other experts and community members.

For the most current information about the Docker Captain program and its members, please visit the official Docker website or community channels related to Docker.


Here are some of the benefits of becoming a Docker Captain:

Recognition: You will be recognized as an expert in Docker by the community.

Networking: You will have the opportunity to network with other Docker experts and enthusiasts.

Opportunities: You will have the opportunity to speak at conferences, write for publications, and participate in other Docker-related activities.

Support: You will have the support of the Docker team and the Docker community.

How to apply for Docker Captain

If you want to be recognized as a Docker Captain, please send an email to [email protected]


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